Privacy Policy

Mobile App - Privacy Policy

Mobile App does not share personal information of any kind with anyone. We will not sell or rent your name or personal information to any third party. Any data that a user stores via our facilities is wholly owned by that user. Mobile Apps only collects such information that is necessary for you to access and use our services. This information includes, user IP address,Location Information and Device IDs.

The List of Permission and there purpose is listed us follows

SMS - Uses this permission only to access the message App for sending message in case of an emergency situation.

Phone - Uses this permission for dialing to the control room in case of an emergency

Photos/Media/Files & Storage - Uses this permission for writing the database into the Storage Device

View network connections & full network access - Uses this permission for Offline-Online Sync.

Location - Used for nearest Police stations Utility and also for identifying the user location.

Last updated on Friday 17th of June 2022 PM